2014年12月31日 星期三

prison camp, 戰俘集中營

Terror in 1944: American prisoners of war held by the Japanese at Bataan. Here they are herded together prior to continuing the march of death, during which 67,000 prisoners died. These prisoners were interned at Camp O'Donnell from which they were later released by General MacArthur's forces
Allied prisoners crowded into the barracks of the recently liberated POW camp in Yokohoma in October 1945. Many endured horrendous conditions and harsh treatment at the hands of their captors
British victim of Matsuhiro Watanabe reveals how he 'crucified' soldiers | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2880676/I-tortured-sadistic-prison-camp-guard-Angelina-Jolie-blockbuster-British-victim-Bird-reveals-Japanese-psychopath-crucified-soldiers-got-excited-saliva-bubbled-round-mouth.html#ixzz3NVFrcNWJ
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