2014年9月28日 星期日

Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, the Capitol, the Smithsonian Castle, Library of Congress. 林肯紀念堂, 華盛頓紀念碑, 國會大廈, 史密森城堡, 美國國會圖書館

The monuments of Washington are silhouetted through the lifting fog over the nation's capitol as seen from an overlook in Arlington, Virginia. From left are, the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, the Capitol, the Smithsonian Castle, and the Library of Congress.
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September 26, 2014
The landscape portrait, "Out of Many, One" by Cuban American artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada, appears on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., Oct. 1, 2014. The 6-acre portrait, midway between the World War II Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial, used approximately 2,000 tons of sand, 800 tons of soil, 10,000 wooden pegs, miles of string and assistance from GPS topography poles, which allows the materials to be placed with precision. It will be viewable until October 31.
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October 2, 2014
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