2013年11月27日 星期三

crow, clothes hanger, nest. 烏鴉, 衣架, 巢

National Geographic Photo Contest 2013. 國家地理攝影大賽
Crows Nest: The crows that live in Tokyo use clothes hangers to make nests. In such a large city, there are few trees, so the natural materials that crows need to make their nests are scarce. As a result, the crows occasionally take hangers from the people who live in apartments nearby, and carefully assemble them into nests. The completed nests almost look like works of art based on the theme of recycling. (© Yosuke Kashiwakura/National Geographic Photo Contest) #
National Geographic Photo Contest 2013 - In Focus - The Atlantic  http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/11/national-geographic-photo-contest-2013/100629/

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